



2019-07-12    来源:

       《中国整形与重建外科(英文)》(以下简称“CJPRS” ) 是国家卫生健康委员会主管、中国整形美容协会主办的国内第一本英文版正式公开发行的整形类学术期刊。CJPRS 于2018年6月通过国家卫生健康委员会的批准,2019年3月通过国家新闻出版署批准并正式成立。

— ISSN 2096-6911 —

— CN10-1634/R6 —


1-Aesthetic Facial Injection in Asians



Dr. Hai-yan CUI

Director of Hongmei outpatient department Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital,Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine

Chairman of Chinese Association of Aesthetic Medicine and Art

President of HUAIXUN Aesthetic Medicine and Art Special Fund


Editor-in-chief Aesthetic Thread Rejuvenation in Asians 

Chairman of MEVOS Congress of Aesthetic Medicine

ISAPS (Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal Editor) Board Member

IMCAS Scientific Committee Board Member

World Association for Plastic surgeons of Chinses Descent Board Member

Minimally Invasive Group, Plastic Surgery Branch, Chinese Medical Association Deputy Group Leader

Laser Cosmetic Surgery Group, Plastic Surgery Branch, Chinese Medical Association Deputy Group Leader

2-Modified moist occluded burn therapy for the treatment 

of cervicofacial burns due to splashing molten steel



Chao Lian M.D., Ph.D.

Chief Resident Doctor, Specialized in Research of Chronic Refractory Wound and Burn Therapy, Engaged in Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Affiliated Changzhi People’s Hospital of Shanxi Medical University


Xue-Lei Li, M.D., Ph.D.

Chief Physician, Master Tutor, Associate Professor of Shanxi Medical University and Changzhi Medical College, Specialized in Research of Burn Therapy and Facial Cosmetic Surgery, Director of Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Affiliated Changzhi People's Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, 


Xiao-Jun Liu, M.D., Ph.D.

Associate Chief Physician, Associate Professor of Southern Medical University, Specialized in Research of Burn Therapy and Reconstruction of Facial Defects, Engaged in Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Nanfang Hospital of Southern Medical University

3-Repair of Nasolabial Deformities Secondary to Bilateral Cleft Lip 

with Upper Lip Philtrum Skin Flap and Lower Lip Abbe Flap


4-Application of radial collateral artery perforator flap 

in severe posterior elbow skin defect



Qing-xin Xu

Graduate student majoring in plastic surgery, studying in Binzhou Medical University. Research emphasis : skin defect repair; soft tissue tumor

5-Combination of facial skeletal contouring surgery and aesthetic surgeries for Asians

—personal experience



Jin-jun HUANG  M.D. Ph.D. 

Plastic and cosmetic surgery The first affiliated hospital of NanChang University. 

Research Fields auricular reconstruction and facial contour plasty. 

6-Three dimensional finite element biomechanical analysis 

of unilateral coronal synostosis and reconstructive operation



Bin YANG M.D. , Ph.D.

Professor, Chief Surgeon, Department of Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery

Professor and Chief , Centre of Digital Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery Hospital, Pekin Union Medical College , Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

7-Recent Researches in Repair of Unilateral Cleft Lip Nasal Deformity


8-Three-dimensional Facial Stereography and its Application in Orthognathic Surgery




1.Aesthetic Facial Injection in Asians.pdf

2.Modified moist occluded burn therapy for the treatment of cervicofacial burns due to splashing molten steel.pdf

3.Repair of Nasolabial Deformities Secondary to Bilateral Cleft Lip with Upper Lip Philtrum Skin Flap 

and Lower Lip Abbe Flap.pdf

4.Application of radial collateral artery perforator flap in severe posterior elbow skin defect.pdf

5.Combination of facial skeletal contouring surgery and aesthetic surgeries for Asians—personal experience.pdf

6.Three dimensional finite element biomechanical analysis of unilateral coronal synostosis and reconstructive operation.pdf

7.Recent Researches in Repair of Unilateral Cleft Lip Nasal Deformity.pdf

8.Three-dimensional Facial Stereography and its Application in Orthognathic Surgery.pdf

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